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Block 3 Naming Meeting

Upcoming Public Meeting

Block 3 Naming Meeting 4/18/23

The East Cut CBD is hosting the second and final community meeting for the naming of Transbay Block 3 Park. At this meeting, The East Cut, San Francisco Public Works, and Office of Community Investment & Infrastructure (OCII) staff will present the park design, provide a project schedule update, describe the park naming process thus far, and present the four community-ranked names for final consideration. At the end of the presentation and a Q&A session, attendees will be given the opportunity to advocate for a name, and a paper ranking sheet will be provided for attendees to rank their #1 name option, and a backup name in the event of a tie for the #1 ranking.

The meeting will be hybrid with a remote option on Zoom. See meeting information below. 

The four names for consideration are:

  • Coffee Park
  • East Cut Park
  • Candace Park
  • Pelican Park


When: Tuesday, April 18, 2023, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Where: 200 Folsom Street Common Room

For joining via Zoom please use the link below: