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Street Tree Nursery

San Francisco’s Street Tree Nursery is sprouting up between two freeways and the downtown skyline. Amidst the whiz of cars and trucks, Public Works’ new nursery will grow up to 1,000 trees for future planting on city streets. The facility provides a locally based system of tree propagation and care as well as volunteer, educational and workforce development opportunities. 

Street Tree Map

To view the below Story Map in a full browser window, click here.

Look up information on your street tree (e.g., its species, pruning schedule, etc.) by clicking here.


StreetTreeSF Opt-Out Information

San Francisco property owners can opt out of the free citywide street tree maintenance program (StreetTreeSF) and continue to maintain their street tree(s).

Tree Removal Notifications

This page is updated every Monday. On weeks when Monday is an observed holiday, the page will be updated on Tuesday of that week.

Tree Pruning

Pruning can either help or hurt trees. When appropriate practices are used, pruning can provide significant benefits. When inappropriate practices are used, significant harm can follow.

Permits - Street Trees and Plants

Public Works issues street tree planting and removal permits as well as sidewalk landscaping permits to residents.

Street Tree Planting - There is no fee required for a street tree planting permit. However, the permit is necessary to ensure that trees do not impact infrastructure and are appropriately planted so that they thrive and become a neighborhood asset.
