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Site Number: 2

Reason(s) for Tree Removal: UPDATE/ALERT: 29 Park Hill Ave: Tree Removal Notification Update Monday 5/6/2024: Public Works has confirmed that the property owner’s sewer line is now completely backed-up and cannot be temporarily cleared to allow for the normal tree removal permit process via a 30-day posting. Therefore, due to the public health and safety concerns presented back the active backup, the tree will now be removed as an Emergency, to allow the repairs to be made (repairs cannot be made without destabilizing the trees).

Needed sewer repair due to active backup, and sidewalk repair, will require root pruning which will destabilize tree. Shaving or basin expansion is not feasible in this situation. Tree location cannot be replaced due to conflict with underground utilities ( Sewer and Gas). Permit 795200

Posting Period: 04/22/24 - 05/13/24

Image (261 width x 348 height pixels minimum): 